I truly love the Old Testament! I continue to learn so much about God, His character, His love for me/us, and Jesus as I press into the pages of books like Joshua, Isaiah, and the Psalms. However, I didn’t initially choose to pursue God through the Old Testament. I was invited! God met me at the end of a difficult growing season and personally invited me into another level of relationship by journeying with Him through the first 39 books of The Bible. What was He asking of me in His invitation? Other than the obvious answer – to grow through study – it was “simple”: to love Him more! As I methodically worked my way through the Psalms, I got stuck for a moment when I discovered Psalm 105. Here, amongst the retelling of His goodness to the children of Israel, He gave me a very specific list of ways to love Him deeper! The list is both practical in structure and complex in execution. Essentially…it makes sense, but it requires commitment and work!
Having said that, here are 9 ways to fall deeper in love with God as outlined in the first 5 verses of Psalm 105:
- “GIVE THANKS to the Lord…” – make gratitude a daily practice! Regardless of where your heart is or what you might be facing in your current season of life, approach everything with a spirit of gratitude and give AUDIBLE thanks to God!
- “…and PROCLAIM HIS GREATNESS.” – openly declare God’s providence, authority, and power.
- “LET THE WHOLE WORLD KNOW WHAT HE HAS DONE.” – just like the rest of Psalm 105, open your heart and refresh others by reminding those around you of His history and greatness!
- “SING TO HIM…” – you can tear down walls, strongholds, negative perspectives, and mental/emotional afflictions with musical worship. Continually lifting songs of praise to God changes atmospheres!
- “…TELL EVERYONE ABOUT HIS WONDERFUL DEEDS.” – share your testimony! Remember all that He has done; all that you’ve personally witnessed and heard.
- “EXULT IN HIS HOLY NAME…” – find joy/be joyful (and become more comfortable with the Lord) by continually speaking His name.
- “…REJOICE, you who worship the Lord.” – give joy/feel joy by elevating the Lord to the highest possible place of honor in all that you do.
- “SEARCH for the Lord and for His strength; continually SEEK Him…” – become child-like and inquisitive. Play hide-and-go-seek and be content with “being it” for large portions of time!
- “REMEMBER…” – reflect and meditate daily on the wonders He has performed and all of His miracles.
God loves you! Jesus desires you! Put this list into consistent practice and you’ll discover more than you could ever imagine about the capacity of your heart to love and receive Him. Are you ready?!?
In love,